Thursday, July 16, 2009

"Deep Violets, you liken to the kindest eyes that look on you, without a thought disloyal"....A Flower in a Letter....Elizabeth Barrett Browning

My maternal grandmother passed away in early September 1989. I was very close to her and have countless memories of time I spent with her. Grandma loved her flowers, roses, peonies, daisies, and so many more decorated her yard lush with color during the summers. Year round however, inside she delicately nurtured numerous violets. The colors varied from paper white, shades of pink, and her favorite, deep violet.

After her passing, I claimed one single violet as my personal treasure. "Lena" has the most typical velvety, moss green petals and is adorned with a wonderful rich shade of violet when in bloom. Her bloom is complimented by a smile of yellow dotting her center. It has almost been twenty years, but she still blooms. Early years she kept to herself only blooming once a year, late summer to early fall. As time has drifted by she regally shows her beauty on various occasions. I always feel she is sending a sort of blessing to me when she opens her blooms to me.

Grandma had three granddaughters, her last is to be married this Saturday. She has selectively waited for this day. This lovely lady did not get the close relationship I had with Grandma, but I know Grandma thought the world of her. Every picture sent, Grandma would proudly show it to all. Miles apart, short visits coming and going, Grandma would be joyfully elated and explain to all of her granddaughter's beautiful dancing days. She would hold to a photo in particular and describe how talented her "Tasha" was.

In two days this beautiful lady will wed. I noticed this morning, "Lena" is blooming.

Fittingly so, I have been dabbling with various silks in varied shades of violet. My first creation is from the Crepe De Chine. First, I must admit, for a crepe, it is buttery soft, and with an incredible drape! I decided to allow this fabric to become a lovely wrap, something elegant, yet cozy and warm. Seems fitting for a day like today...


Saturday, July 11, 2009

"An aunt is a gift whose worth cannot be measured except by the heart."...unknown

So many of my memories I carry include a very special person....Aunt Adrian. I know she was a dear friend of my mother's long before her brother, became my father. She became my second mother....the other "mom" I could always look too for advice. She has always had spunk and a zest for life that is filled with fun. I find it funny that when I see certain colors I immediately think of her. A favorite is of my favorites. During the summer, I would go across the lake to visit and play with my cousins. Aunt Adrian was always "put together". Her home, her outfit....everything, perfect. I loved just looking at her, but my favorite thing on her was her toe nails! Bright orange dazzled her toes in her cute sandals, I think they were called Dr Scholl sandals.

While mom was ill, she was there for her and me....and she still is. Strong willed, hearty laugh and wonderful wisdom she is still full of life!

I thought of all the days she would sit in the kitchen at our old home, looking out towards the lake but watching those cute squirrels eating on the dogwood tree feeder. In the Fall as the leaves would change, I would have to say goodbye to her shocking toes, but knew that color was still there in spirit. I chose beautiful vibrant shades of vintage kimono panels and arranged them into a soft, draping scarf...just for her. Happy Birthday Aunt Adrian!

"Dogwood in the Fall"

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"A sign so slight....
A dance so elegant....
Her message one of hope, faith, love and perseverance"
Melissa Marsch-Walblay

One of my most cherished friends, Debbie, loves to encourage me to recognize the signs sent to me daily. I've always been a strong believer, just get to busy some days....thanks Debbie!

Occasionally a sign is so strong and I cannot miss it. This sign began June 27,...June 27, 2007 to be precise. It was a rather rainy, dreary summer day and my mood suited the day. I was sitting in my sun room watching the rain when this beautiful little hummingbird danced at my window. I knew who she was....
She returned on June 27, 2008 and yes, stopped in this year, same time.

This year she danced a lovely performance above my butterfly bush full of succulent violet blooms. She reminded me to be malleable in my be more tenacious and not look today. A message I needed to hear.

Her choice of nectar brought more messages. Purple, or Violet flowers attract hummingbirds, but this hue suits my lady so well. I have spoken of violet before, it is the hue representing good judgment, peace of mind, magic and mystery, imagination and inspiration. Violet is a symbol to show re-balance in life, to help remove obstacles from personal growth. The beautiful color places a calmness to over activity, yet energizes the soul from depression. Yes, my lovely messenger was packed full of encouragement to me this year!

When we wear violet, or add it to our chosen ensemble it encourages the fantasy or mysterious side. I hope you start incorporating this "ideal" color into your life. Being a secondary color it requires the perfect blending of the warmest primary, red, with the coolest primary, blue. The blending will stabilize the red while lending a practicality to blue. Through shading, violet reflects a more sorrowful, spiritual effect but still regal. When tinted to a more lilac hue, a deeper draw to love and humanity is felt. One step further, adding more blue for the tertiary color, blue-violet, the perfect "healing hue" is established.

I have been playing at some new ideas to create and took my first concept from my messenger. Color. I dyed four types of fabric in the same dye bath. Crepe de Chine, Charmeuse, silk-linen blend, and a rayon-silk blend were my samples. The result is an awesome display of how no creation is the same. All four accepted the dye differently yet beautifully. Now it is time to begin designing.

One last note....follow Debbie's advice and see your own signs....I love my special messenger!