"Deep Violets, you liken to the kindest eyes that look on you, without a thought disloyal"....A Flower in a Letter....Elizabeth Barrett Browning
My maternal grandmother passed away in early September 1989. I was very close to her and have countless memories of time I spent with her. Grandma loved her flowers, roses, peonies, daisies, and so many more decorated her yard lush with color during the summers. Year round however, inside she delicately nurtured numerous violets. The colors varied from paper white, shades of pink, and her favorite, deep violet.
After her passing, I claimed one single violet as my personal treasure. "Lena" has the most typical velvety, moss green petals and is adorned with a wonderful rich shade of violet when in bloom. Her bloom is complimented by a smile of yellow dotting her center. It has almost been twenty years, but she still blooms. Early years she kept to herself only blooming once a year, late summer to early fall. As time has drifted by she regally shows her beauty on various occasions. I always feel she is sending a sort of blessing to me when she opens her blooms to me.
Grandma had three granddaughters, her last is to be married this Saturday. She has selectively waited for this day. This lovely lady did not get the close relationship I had with Grandma, but I know Grandma thought the world of her. Every picture sent, Grandma would proudly show it to all. Miles apart, short visits coming and going, Grandma would be joyfully elated and explain to all of her granddaughter's beautiful dancing days. She would hold to a photo in particular and describe how talented her "Tasha" was.
In two days this beautiful lady will wed. I noticed this morning, "Lena" is blooming.
Fittingly so, I have been dabbling with various silks in varied shades of violet. My first creation is from the Crepe De Chine. First, I must admit, for a crepe, it is buttery soft, and with an incredible drape! I decided to allow this fabric to become a lovely wrap, something elegant, yet cozy and warm. Seems fitting for a day like today...