“If there's something that you're dreaming of then may it all come true, because you deserve it all...HAPPY BIRTHDAY.”
Sometimes real life seems like a story...the kind you see on TV or read about in a silly novel.....
The date was November 28. He strutted into the quaint little shop, a mysteriously dark, well-groomed man, who had the demeanor that might lead one to believe he was a connoisseur of imported cigars and fine port. She was busy rearranging a display, eyed him with amusement and intrigue, said hello yet kept on working. He then confidently asked if "she" was working. With a cautious smile she said yes, she was the lady in question. He proceeded on by saying someone had said he should stop in and take a look around. She welcomed him and kept on working. He mingled about the little shop, but finally, rather frustrated, came back to her and pulled out a piece of paper. He confessed he was there because of this letter. She quickly read it. Shocked by the words....(general message was that "he" should stop in this shop and meet "her"), she quickly gained composure, laughed and said she supposed she should be flattered and moved away. He feeling just as silly, thanked her and left.
Like any good story, it did not end here. A few weeks passed and their paths cross again. After a few laughs of the first introduction, they begin to exchange e-mails for a bit then he returns to the shop to ask to meet for a glass of wine after she closes. She had found him to be quite intriguing and interesting by now. She a laid back, tolerant, bit dis-organized lady loving the art world and all it offers found herself captivated by this man's sense of self discipline and structure.
After she closed up her little shop, she went across the street to a romantic little restaurant, the place she had chosen to meet. After waiting around thirty minutes, he finally called her. He began sounding irritated and annoyed on the phone, then clarity came through...she laughed..."Mr. Has it all Together" was at the wrong restaurant!
The years have been slipping away, their friendship flowing like good lyrics to an old love song. His love for adventure is met with her desire for a tropical, remote beach. His desire for serious conversations is compromised by her silly teasing and funny wit. They equally share a love for the lazy citrus punch from the perfect Gin and Tonic, and Mary J Blige confessing her love in "Be Without You", and a beautiful, spiritual sunset as it magically dances down to kiss the ocean good night.
My story...it could be something one found in a bottle drifting along the beach...
Happy Birthday Terry...may all our sunsets bring you love and happiness....