“I know a lady who used to be full of smiles, spunk and energy. She had hopes, dreams, and ambitions. She was educated and family oriented, and her goals were within reach…..
I know a lady who was swept off her feet, became a wife, mother and her dreams changed. Though living in abundance, beautiful children, home, and lifestyle, when I looked in her eyes I saw hope suffocated by fear, with a color of royalty too often worn on her skin in mockery and all dreams vanishing….
I know a lady who lost her confidence, pride and balance. Clasping tightly to a shred of dignity left, she escaped the Hell enclosing her and continued into the Hell of public display. Struggling each day to have freedom and find peace, she kept her head up and kept walking…..
I know a lady who no longer fears closing her eyes at night. She left so much, but now has pride in what she has. Dreams and goals are on her daily list again. With smiles and new found energy she is driven to prove to herself she is worthy and capable. With echoes of harsh words still ringing in her ears, she is dedicated to finding her old self again…..
I know a lady who today, when I look in her eyes I see my old friend. Struggles are still there, and never does she forget the threats of yesterday, but she, with each new morning, sees herself becoming stronger, happier, confident, and most important, whole again....”
(more to come)
Last night I had the opportunity to attend the Barren River Area Safe Space Candlelight Vigil. The vigil was beautiful. The halo that surrounded us had a message of hope, but shadows of melancholy were still felt. Old friends, families, neighbors, public officials quietly spoke in the crowd and embraced the hope being brought. As the gentle tears of God lightly fell upon us, along with the chilly air HE blew, we all listened to the astounding statistics of how devastating Domestic Violence is to our community. Senator Mike Reynolds and Director Lee Alcott of BRASS captivated the audience with the urgency needed to help stop Domestic Violence.
While a few opened umbrellas, as if wiping away tears, most of us stood frozen, not feeling the wetness or cold. Silent emotion trickled down my spine as the countless names were read at “Speak My Name” in remembrance of those who did not escape.
As we lit the candles in respect, hope and honor, God once again reminded us all that still so much work is needed. I noticed as the sharing of the flame, candle to candle , for each one lit, another quietly went out. HE had sent a quiet message more strength is needed to break the silence.
Afterwards, a few hugs and smiles were sought, but quietly, we all began our departure into the darkness. While walking back to my car, I felt the wetness, the cold, damp air. An eery feeling engulfed me. Glancing back to the dispersing crowd I wondered how many were leaving a ray of hope to go to a home of fear.
Please continue the support and awareness of Domestic Violence.
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