"Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality."
Alfred Painter
With Thanksgiving upon us, and the door is opening to welcome in the Christmas Season, I feel so blessed to be surrounded by wonderful friends, family and God. As a child, Thanksgiving was a time to visit all my cousins and relatives, to eat delicious foods, and to be out of school. Pilgrims, Indians and stories of the First Thanksgiving engulfed my school days' lessons. With each growing year, those lessons of long ago bring me new meaning, new appreciation, new spirit.
A symbol we all recognize with Thanksgiving is the "Cornucopia", the horn of plenty. I take time this year and look deep inside my own "Cornucopia" and see so many blessings, so much harvest, so much love, hope and belief. I am blessed with a beautiful, loving, strong family, a pillar to always keep me going. I have friends that surround me with love, humor and strength. I see my dreams, my hopes, all supported and within reach. I am thankful.
It is funny how God changes our life, helps us gain strength, and most importantly, guides us to new paths. About eight months ago, I met a lady that immediately I knew our spirits were connected. Deborah Gall is an artist and a gallery owner, but more importantly her inner spirit is strong, kind, and one of hope.
Most of November I spent preparing for the Trunk Show at Abide Studio in Franklin, TN. If you have not visited this quaint little gallery, beautiful little shop, then you must put it on your to do list. The show was great! Sales were good, traffic unbelievable, exposure fantastic, but most of all, a new friend quickly became a good friend. I cannot thank Deborah enough for support, help, kindness and friendship.
I am so thankful this season. Happy Thanksgiving!