"If you're going through hell, keep going." ~Winston Churchill
Some periods of our life we never forget. February 2004 still echoes an eerie Hell for me. Spiraling downward in the most ridiculous, circus-style divorce trial Warren County could ever produce I thought my life could never get worse. God thought differently, and the phone call came. Mom had been checking in every evening to see progress of my circus style, 30 day divorce trial. This time her call held new information.
During the Holidays she had shown me a very irritated, red patch on her breast, and made plans to get it checked out. She had just been to the doctor for her yearly mammogram a couple months prior, so we made light of the strange discovery. Keeping her word, she did go to the doctor and the diagnosis was an infection, antibiotics were prescribed.
This particular night when the phone rang, she was up beat, making jokes, then casually said she wanted me to hear this from her....the antibiotics didn't work, instead she had learned it was a form of Breast Cancer.....INFLAMMATORY BEAST CANCER.
INFLAMMATORY BREAST CANCER is a very rare form, making up about 2% of all breast cancers...but less than 5% survival rate. After a grueling 28 months, my mother, barely a full rose herself, left behind four little buds, three granddaughters, one grandson, to grow up without her smile, her guidance, her touch.
Please help me find a cure...we have enough dangers everyday and CANCER should NOT be one of these dangers!! During the entire month of June, Marsch Inspiration is donating 50% of ALL profit to the Susan G. Komen Find the Cure. Please help stamp out Breast Cancer....