"Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts - it's what you do with what you have left." ~Hubert Humphrey
This month I will be 48....I have two strong, healthy daughters rapidly entering adulthood, womanhood. The more information I dig up on the DEADLY perpetrator that ravaged my mother's body, forcing her victory over "it" only by death...the more I am determined to place a major dent, a major blow in a cure for her perpetrator...Inflammatory Breast Cancer. is rare...yes it is deadly. But this snake can attack a young teen....a young mother....even a 62 year old mother.
Yesterday I met through my blog a wonderful, committed mother who first-hand witnessed this perpetrator take the life of her daughter, a vibrant, beautiful 37 year old. She shared with me this news cast she did in her hometown. This piece is awesome and so very straight forward. I urge you to view it, listen to it...and pass it along. IBC is THE "silent killer". Most of us have never even heard of it...until you get that phone call, until it slaps you in the face. My beautiful new friend also has a website that is nothing but information...please take time out and look at her site:
Patti Bradfield, President
Inflammatory Breast Cancer Foundation
My mother was and IS my 'inspiration'...there is not a day that I do not think of her...miss her. Above you see my very first 'memory scarf'...a silk painting of mom engulfed in beautiful vintage kimono pieces. I wear this when I need a hug from her.
I am still painting, sewing, designing this month, and my promise of donating 50% of my profit to the Susan G Komen Foundation is still going. Education, proper effective treatment is needed to guarantee this "perpetrator" is forever locked away.