Father's Day
“One day you swing me high
One day you build my dollhouse
One day you visit my tea party
Someday you kiss my tears
Someday you teach me to drive
Someday you mend my broken heart
A day comes you applaud my graduation
A day comes you visit my home
A day comes you hold my child
But Forever you are my Dadd
And Forever you hold my hand and heart”….
Melissa Marsch-Walblay
Today I reflect on my childhood memories….time I spent with my own father. I tried to search my earliest memory and came up with the “My First Coke”. Dad took me to Shady Rest Bar-B-Q. If memory serves me correctly my mother was in the hospital with my new brother. Dad and I sat in a booth and he gave me my very own bottle of Coke. Mom had never given me more than a small glass let alone allow me to have a bottle….but Dad gave me my very own. I remember being too nervous to hold it, but that first drink I finally took was amazing.
Another memory that is a repeat of many times is the “Liver” story. Growing up in a cabin on a lake, having a dad who was a fur trapper, well lets just say my home was always different than my friends. Whenever I had girlfriends over for the night, dad would always share the “Liver” story, a scary but silly tale that my friends heard time and time again but squealed each and every time. I think he called it “I want my Liver!“….dad would go into this tale of people going into this haunted or abandoned house and some strange man roaming around wanting his liver….as the tale unfolded the listener realizes it is about a man wanting his liver….a dinner….but again, dad made it scary and captivating! Memories….stories….so many.
I have often thought that any man can become a father….but it takes a special man to be a ‘daddy’. I am lucky to have a wonderful daddy. My dad is a man who raised me on tradition. Traditions to follow, traditional values, and traditional roles, something many could identify with if they grew up in the 60’s and 70’s. There are so many different types of fathers….but it is the true dads, the men who sacrifice all just to be a part of their child’s life and help mold that child that make this day such an honor.
I f I could make a design to reflect my dad, it would be a soft, durable wrap. Something that could be pulled around you to help keep out the chill, to lift your spirit, a form of protection and beauty of our relationship. If I had to put a color on him it would be green. A color of serenity, calm woods, and fertile land. My father, a wonderful dad that I hold dear in my heart. I hope all the ’Dads” out there have a beautiful Father’s Day.
“The Woods”…..a remembrance of dad…..$40 (14” x 60”)
I agree, your dad is a man among men. I am happy to have his acquaintance. Happy Everyday to him.