For every woman who lives without freedom, the rest of us must face the guilt. Lillian Hellman
I have been writing this month about an old friend, someone who had her life, world and inner-being shattered by Domestic Violence. She is emerging each day a stronger, more confident lady, but yesterday’s fear and sorrow will never be forgotten. Barren River Area Safe Space, (BRASS), has been a huge part of her story of strength. This facility gave her courage when she decided to flee a home of fear. The advocates she worked with provided her with knowledge, options, and someone to lean on when days were dark. BRASS helped her find outside counsel from Kentucky Domestic Violence Association, (KDVA), when more legal strength was needed. Throughout her journey of “Freedom“, BRASS provided her with counseling services to help balance her emotional needs and try and work through the ghosts and monsters of yesterday.
My hope is that more awareness is given to Domestic Violence. I hope to aid in “breaking” the silence. We must continue to support local shelters and facilities like BRASS. Families and friends are wonderful support to victims, but without organizations like BRASS, too many women will not find their “Freedom”.
“Freedom”…..a coat of strength
Please continue the support and awareness of Domestic Violence.
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