A story to be told….
“I know a lady who used to be full of smiles, spunk and energy. She had hopes, dreams, and ambitions. She was educated and family oriented, and her goals were within reach…..
I know a lady who was swept off her feet, became a wife, mother and her dreams changed. Though living in abundance, beautiful children, home, and lifestyle, when I looked in her eyes I saw hope suffocated by fear, with a color of royalty too often worn on her skin in mockery and all dreams vanishing…."
(more to come)
In February 2004, my mother was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer. Her prognosis was bleak. The rare, but aggressive disease was rapidly invading her body, ripping away her hopes, dreams, and life. Through the following two years, I watched my mother struggle with treatments, surgery, pain, sickness, and that ever flicking hope that her predator, Cancer, would leave. Each morning, she approached her evil with a prayer that IT would leave in peace. She prayed daily that she could overpower this force and find freedom. I remember each doctor visit she would be so apprehensive and hopeful for the check up, but always holding her breath, never completely trusting her predator and his next move to conquer her. For every good check up, came the knowledge IT could still get her and after two years of this torture by an evil so callus, she realized she could not defeat Cancer. She went Home to find Peace June 2006.
Through out this battle, I often thought it reflected an inner torture an abused woman endures. We take for granted the constant torture of worry these women endure daily. They smile, go on, but inside know that at any given time HE may erupt. With the added “hush-hush” society likes to place on this topic, the abused woman may find herself even more alone to fight this battle. With more exposure, more awareness, more strength from society, women in this battle can find help to seek their freedom, their peace. True, like Cancer, even when HE is gone, she may still feel that constant “re-appearance” but she has stronger odds of survival. She has a support team holding her up, giving her strength.
October is National Awareness for Breast Cancer, and National Awareness for Domestic Violence. I want my readers, my friends, my family to help give every woman in our lives a stronger voice, a stronger shield. Stop the Predators!
“New Beginnings”…..$50
The story will continue throughout the month along with many new items.
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