A story to be told….
“I know a lady who used to be full of smiles, spunk and energy. She had hopes, dreams, and ambitions. She was educated and family oriented, and her goals were within reach….. (to be continued)
October is Domestic Violence Awareness….I urge you to wear your purple ribbon!
Domestic violence should not happen to anybody. But it does - and when it does, there is help. October is Domestic Violence awareness month. I am writing today to help inform or to aid in the awareness of abused women. This is an area that is too often overlooked, dismissed, or too difficult to comprehend. Domestic Violence can happen in any home, lifestyle, or education level.
The abuse may be physical, emotional/psychological, sexual, financial/economical, or a mixing of all. The abuser and/or victim can also be someone who is college educated, makes a six figure income, lives in a more upscale neighborhood and considered upper middle class or even upper class. This particular segment is often found to be much harder to comprehend or find help from in society.
An upscale abused woman typically has not had prior exposure or experience with domestic abuse and is often shamed when it occurs in her life. Buying into the myth that it doesn't happen “to someone like her," she shuts down and keeps the secret of her abuse. Her shame leads to an isolation, which increases as her efforts to help her abusive partner fail. Ironically when the upscale abused woman does come forth, she is frequently disbelieved and is met with many obstacles in trying to get the help she needs and deserves. Too many times, she is met with the bias that she has so much advantage that she should be able to help herself. This form of violence is also met by the fact that the upscale batterer has the means and power to carry out any threats he makes toward his partner. Too many women have lost custody of their children due to the well-financed type of legal suits their wealthy partners were able to win.
I am hoping all my readers, friends, family will help make a difference this month. I am dedicating 50% of my sales this month, to a local shelter, Barren River Area Safe Space. Facilities such as these are needed to give shelter, legal advice, and information to any abused woman. With the aid of the advocates they provide, many women find the strength to continue the battle. This is a system that focuses on the victim and her family. Confidentiality and safety is their top priority. Too many women would not make it through the battle if it were not for the support, encouragement and belief these workers give.
I bring back an encore presentation of “Violets” for my debut of this month. Violets was designed with my Grandmother in mind, a lady of peace, harmony and someone who knew how rough life could be. She lived in day and time where no spoke openly of Domestic Violence. We now live in a society filled with knowledge, support and strength. We can change old ways, habits and help systems work better! Purple ribbons will be passed along this month, a color of royalty, wisdom, dignity, and independence. Too many women have lost their dignity, feel no independence and no power. We must unite and give back this strength to those in need.
Violets…55” x 76” $90The story will continue throughout the month along with many new items.
For information on how you can help by making a purchase of Marsch Inspiration contact:
For making donations please contact Barren River Area Safe Space, 270-781-9334 or lalcott@barrenriverareasafespace.com